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Security Analyzer 3.7 is Now Available!

03/27/17 | Releases

We are please to announce the Security Analyzer 3.7 is now available.  This new version of security Analyzer has the following new features:


* Multiple Configuration File Support - Security Analyzer now supports the use of multiple configuration files for a single Management Server.

* Agent Grouping - Agents can now be organized into groups with each group being assigned a different configuration file.

* Agent & Event Grooming - Agents and events are now automatically groomed out of the database according to user defined retention periods.

* Event Tags - Events can now be tagged with keywords that can be used for grouping and filtering in the dashboard.

* Install Scripts - The Security Analyzer Agent and Management Server can now be installed using unattended install scripts.

* Auto Upgrades - A new user configurable option was added that specifies whether or not an agent should be automatically upgraded after a Management Service upgrade.


Register for a free demo to learn more about Security Analyzer.



    Runtime application security monitoring and protection